About us

Susan Swinburne, MBA – Principle

Susan began her nonprofit management career directing Fortune 500 Social Responsibility programs. After a decade as a corporate philanthropist, the opportunity arose to make a leap into professional development and fundraising in order to help a beloved nonprofit organization conquer a bankruptcy crisis after the Northridge Earthquake.

That first experience of running a high-stakes fundraising campaign, which successfully rescued the L.A. Chamber Orchestra from closing it’s doors in 1994, launched a new professional direction and ignited a passion for helping organizations craft innovative solutions to problems or circumstances that are preventing success.

With a career now spanning 35 years and more than 50 institutions, Susan offers insight, knowledge, key skills, and a team of collaborating professionals to nonprofits seeking change and to businesses wishing to make a greater impact through their philanthropic mission.

Susan is a graduate of U.C. Irvine and the Loyola Marymount University School of Business.



m: (310) 560-8610  |  f: (310) 693-2627